Friday, 2 November 2007

Tamilselvan killed in Sri Lanka Air Force aerial bombardment

Well that is the cost of pissing off the Air Force, with their so called "daring" Attack. Rest in Pieces!

At 6.00am today, Friday 2nd November 2007, Head of teh LTTE Political Division, S P Tamilselvan (no more false smiles) was killed by the Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombing. With him the self appointed jackasses "Lt Col" Anpumani (Alex), "Major" Mihuthan, "Capt" Nethagy, "Lt" Adchgivel, and "Lt " Vahaikumaran were also killed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only 1 asshole left I guess.
Big blow to Norway. How can they carry out their hidden agenda without this fellow.

We should dedicate this to thousands of innocent people that this set of idiots killed over the years.