Wednesday, 30 May 2007

A story in 5 pics..!

Open for your own interpretation! I got this through a mail, and thought I'd share it.

My friend's wife's revealing photo on the net...!

There is a famous Sri Lankan saying "වඳුරා ට දැලි-පිහිය ලැබුනා වගේ", (like a monkey got hold of a razor knife), indiscriminate chopping and slashing with no care about what its doing or who gets hurt, or whether it hurts itself.

With the age of Information and Communication Technology dawning in Sri Lanka it seems that, now we have to modify this old Sri Lankan saying as "වඳුරට ICT ලැබුනා වගේ" .

Let me take a few examples;

My first example refers to kottu. I am a frequent to, and it simply amazes me how "monkeys" (thank god that the majority of the kottu bloggers are NOT "monkeys") (mis)use this freedom of expression to the extreme. Probably anyone with a little bit of brains who sees theses blogs can clearly identify that some of these blogs are written by "monkeys" and are intended for the sole purpose of slinging mud, spreading disinformation and sledging any one or any thing that they simply don't like or don't agree with. No productive or creative initiative but a simple destructive one. Sometime I find it ironic that I have to scroll right down to read the good blogs, because the top of the kottu page is full of "monkey poop". (Wonder whether kottu can come up with a blog ranking? hmm but may be the monkeys might rig that as well).

My next example is the abuse of "Anonymous". I have seen a lot of posts and comments about it on kottu. To me it does not matter if a comment is Anonymous as long as it is productive (why bother logging in, when only your productive opinion or ideas matter). If it is not productive and is simply used to abuse, well then there again you have to replace the "Anonymous" with "monkey" and discard the post.

Another example is; I have seen a pic of my friend's wife on the net (no! not naked, but somewhat revealing). Well I know that she did not put in there, nor did he, but some "monkey" who got hold of it has put it up on a forum or somewhere and it's spread like a wild fire! The funny thing about this is a "monkey" who usually sends me 'OWC' emails, sends me an email saying "see what you can do to take our friend's wife's photo off the net". (It's good for him to spread it about, but when it happens to his friend. Ahhh! now he's worried). I am not concerned about this issue just because it's my friend's wife, but who knows, where the next time someone manages to take a photo it might be my wife or my sister or may be someday my daughter (I still don't have a daughter, and neither my wife nor sisters wears reveling dresses). But who knows whether there are peeping Toms, who could be peeping through the windows of your home, the changing room of the dress boutique or the ceiling of the ladies wash room (no I'm not paranoid yet). Hmm, think of your own self and family.

My last example has to do with camera phones. The newest headache, specially for girls these days are "monkeys" carrying a phone with a camera. It has become so risky for girls to just let their guard down (my wife always complains that she has to always frown and growl at monkeys who try taking photos). I remember about six months back I was traveling on the Intercity train from Kandy to Colombo. The frequent travelers usually knew each other and were pretty much friends. On this particular day there was this girl who walked up to me and said that the lady next to her had told her that the "monkey" in front of her had taken her photo. I went up to this guy and asked him weather he took her photo or not, he politely but nervously replied "no" (just like a gutless "monkey" - no spine to admit or take responsibility), I asked for the phone and since he did not give it I grabbed it off his hand and looked through and there is was, I deleted the photos and had to give him a warning (well I'm no macho man, but nowadays very few people stand up against injustice).

My opinion about "monkeys" is that they are people who have not a single cell in their body that has a gene called "civic responsibility" and also that they are the type that does not have even a single vertebra.

Finally I have no idea how to finish this post....! So I anyone who stumbled upon this can reflect on the fact of how to deal with ICT in the hands of "monkeys". Personally when it comes to kottu, I have earmarked blogs of "monkeys" NOT to be visited (why increase their hit rates?).

PS: I knew that, this heading was going to get your attention (my initial heading was "Monkeys and ICT").

Disclaimer : No insult to the to Platyrrhini and Catarrhini (the type that usually have tails at the rear end).

Friday, 18 May 2007

Research vs. Ego

Research which is supposed to lead to new discoveries, new knowledge and a better world, comes to conflict with the researchers ego.

Why I am writing this? May seem of no relevance to anyone, but to me it has a great deal of importance. When I'm old and gray up there (already a few) and my memory tends to fail me (it already does) it would be nice to refer to what I went through before I give advice to someone else. We human being tend to forget what we faced when we went through some process. Once you complete something it seems sooooo easy. Achievement and good memories tend to drown the hardships and the bad. A roller-coaster ride probably illustrates this fact really well; you are not sure whether you wanna get on it, but then you make yourself, it's still scary but now it's too late you're already strapped in (still you can make a big fuss and get off), then it starts off (now you have no options left), the ride is windy with a lot of ups and downs and sometime it stops and next minute your life is turned upside down, it does not seem to end, and finally when you come to the end of it all, you tell everybody who asks you "Maaan! (excuse me womaaan!)... you have to get on it, it was fun... (what a lie)".

Beyond this point it may be boring.. but read on if you please.

It's not long; just 2 1/2 months since I started my doctoral studies. I had this clear idea what I wanted to do when I came over here. My first meeting was with my supervisor was 2 weeks after I arrived in a cold cold frozen land in the northern part of Sweden (just 500 km south of the arctic circle). I had a research plan .. this this this.. is what I wanted to do, but then suddenly there were flaws in it. My research is based on two totally different science and now there was this conflict brewing between the two. Any way it was realized that I needed to make this transition from this "IF-THEN-ELSE positivist" person to a more "INTERPRETIVE" person. Well with 20+ years of "positivist" way of thinking it was like picking me up by my legs, turning me up side down and shaking me till all the loose change in my pockets fell out. But since I knew my goals it was not too hard (but in no way easy) for me to get over the shock. In fact I had to call my wife, and three or four friend to get over it.

Well anyway did manage that, and after weeks of reading and brushing up came up with this nice research plan which my supervisor and of course myself agreed upon and also was very happy with.

Research is a lot about reading and coming up with ideas (and sometimes just tucking your head under the pillow and trying to sleep, hoping your mind would stop thinking) and seeing how they fit into the bigger picture. I think this is where the researchers ego come into play;
  • Sometimes there were parts of my research already being investigated by someone else. That is not very fun, since I was feeling that someone was stealing my research away from me. And trust me male ego (I don't know to comment about female ego - and I usually keep far far away form gender issues) does not like that very much. I was wanting that research to go away, disappear, but then reality strikes and ok! "so it is not going to go away, so live with it".
  • Then there were time I needed to change my approach since someone else found that the approach I was using was not the best. Well to be honest I don't know weather this is what I felt, the first time I had a discussion with my supervisor. Hmmm! I think so, but then there were so many emotions and stuff going through my mind, and a total change to my approach and way of thinking; I can't be certain. Any way when it comes form your supervisor it is not so hard to take, but when in it comes form someone you do not know 5000 miles away, you do not want that person to exists and you wish and try to find ways to prove them wrong. But if you fail it strikes you again. Ok! "so it is not going to go away, so live with it"
  • Next there is this battle, which I don't think I have still faced. I just thought about this and found that there may be a possibility that I may need to change or at least deviate from my initial deliverables since someone proved they were not the best or there were better ones already. Probably this happens when you have a pet project or something you are bias towards and requires change or needs to be gotten rid of. Thank god I still did not have to, and I hope I never have to :-).
  • Finally the most nagging issue is when I needed to change my goals and approaches, when my own reflections and thoughts were proving that my goals were wrong or not the best (notice the "not the best" - see my point? my ego does not give up easily). This is the worst case scenario. Here is were my uphill battle is the hardest. My ego does not fight someone else, but it fights me. This is when I can catch a syndrome called "excuscitis" (no don't look it up, it's not in any medical journal, it is decease that make people give excuses). I try to give excuses to keep my research plan unchanged and alive. I think I'm going through this phase, so will sort myself out and keep you posted.
Sorry if it was too boring, but I warned you :-). PEACE 2 ALL!

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Difference between Pity & Humanity

I was having a chat with one of my friend who sent me over this link to a video (I thought I'd post it here but then decided against it) since I did not want to promote such a video. The video has a title like "Gods, Allah, Buddha. what a bunch of nice guys". Personally I recent the title, since it is the case that many of us blame karma or god when things go wrong, but rarely are thankful when it works out in our favor. Any way the video showed people and animals with deformities.

Well what does it have to do with Pity and Humanity?

Here goes; I started watching the video and I started feeling pity for them, but then I started to see something in them that I don't see in 90% of the people I know; "resiliency", "true courage" and "a smile" overcoming their plight (I call it plight because I have no better word and it's better than calling it suffering, but I know I'm wrong - please suggest). I could see the love they were having in their big hearts and of course their families and loved-ones were equally resilient, strong and loving. It was an eye opener for me and I realized that they were stronger and had more love in their hearts than a thousand hearts put together.

This made me realize that I was now seeing inside the person or animal, beyond his/her/its external appearance. This is when I realized the difference between pity and humanity. Pity made me see the person outside, humanity made me see the person inside.

Just wanted to share this with "someone", so that the next time one give money or offer ones seat to a less fortunate, one might do it because of humanity and not because of pity.


PS: Don't waste time it was not on google or youtube.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Reflection in the window

Reflection in the Window

Have you ever tried to look out the window while traveling to enjoy the scenery but always found the reflection in the window a distraction? Have you noticed that the more you try to ignore it the more prominent it becomes? Isn't it that the more effort you put into focusing your vision away from it the harder it is for your eyes to look beyond it? But when you look away and let your mind forget about the reflection and suddenly you look through the window your eyes can easily focus on the scenery outside, and to your eyes there does not exist a reflection.

I think this is true to many aspects of life, specially things that tend you bother you and take all your attention and focus it narrowly on this one tiny issue. The more you try to ignore it the more you tend to get rapped up inti. Some people look to the bottle, some take up other things. But no matter what you do if you do it with the intension of getting rid of this nagging issue, it is always with you.

I think that one should just let the issue be and create a distance for this nagging issue (some might say it's easier said that done - yep it is easier said than done - trust me I've tried and failed, but now I am better at it). One should just do what ever comes in to head (no not killing some one or committing suicide or driving your car into a wall.. nothing destructive pls). Get to doing something that you enjoy, preferably something that makes you body tired (preferably makes you body ache). Something that will make your body too tired to keep awake to think of anything and will make you sleep like a baby (basically give you REM sleep). REM sleep lets your mind sleep too. And probably when you wake up the next day you should be at least a few thoughts away from that nagging issue (at least it won't be the first thought on your mind), and if you keep on doing this, in no time you will be far away from the issue and you will be able to focus beyond this nagging problem. Once again it is easier said than done, but try it if it works out; say a prayer for me, if it does not try something else :-).

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Sinhala-Tamil-English Traslator that works

I was one day looking for Sinhala translation for the word "delivery" during the translation of an Information technology article from English to Sinhala. I found this online site and type my word in. It was a hilarious surprise, for the translation it gave me was "prasuthya" (deliver a baby).

I have found it hard to find a good service which would help me find a meaning of an English word in Sinhala, or a Sinhala word in Tamil or.. what ever the combinations I could come up with these three languages.

It's ironic that sometimes you don't see what's under your own nose. I found this free service hosted by the University of Colombo School of Computing, Language Technology Research Laboratory. It is a lexicon not a dictionary. It has a huge collection of words and most of the time it offers the translations to the other language(s) or else, it at leasts offers the meaning. I think they are still working on it since I still can't find the meaning for "delivery", but it is much better than anything I have come across.


Flying the Tigers

The Sri Lankan Air force from March 2002 (yep the start of the love affair between the LTTE and so and so) till the tattering of the ceasefire, spent 160 million rupees on 507 flights amounting to 1200 flying hours transporting the LTTE terrorists agents and Norwegian peace mongers to and from various parts of the island.

These transports most likely carried the unchecked baggage of Tamiselvan (a.k.a falls-smile) and his band of brothers, which probably included night vision goggles, GPS and navigation systems the Flying Tigers now use to attempt bombing raids during the night.

Analysts say that the Air force could have bought much needed night vision equipment for the amount spent of baby sitting the LTTE.

No I don't blame the Air Force, they were only carrying out orders of you know who.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Ugly Australians & The infamous Underarm

Corrected post: (Thanks for the anonymous comment pointing out my mistake)

Can we expect anything more ... from the "1973-74 Ugly Australians" captained by non other than Ian Chappell, who ironically called for an ICC inquiry into corruption and bringing the game to disrepute by Sri Lanka for resting key bowlers for the "dead rubber" semifinal against the Aussys.

Also watch the video of Greg Chappell another Australian, in an unsportsmanlike manner instructing his brother Trevor to controversially bowl underarm in a match against New Zealand.

With such a history, wonder who Ponting and the rest of the hooligan gang takes after. Is it now the "2006-07 Cheating Ugly Australians". Wonder if we can have a YouTube video. Yep we do ... the commentaries are very interesting.

Any way can you expect anything more form the offspring of convict, murderers, rapist, outlaws, and anti-socio retards banished from Britain in the late 1780. May be it runs in their blood.

Wann read more, Thank god for Wiki

Monday, 7 May 2007

Trying to blow away Gilchrist's squash ball

It is pretty amazing the sportsmanship of the Sri Lankan players. Even after being unfairly treated in the Cricket World Cup 2007 Final;
  1. With a 38 over match which favored the Aussy batting and nullified the terrific bowling attack of the Lions (mind you with the spare day not taken into consideration)
  2. Being sent back to bat on a soaked pitch after 16 overs
  3. Then sent back in again to bat out 3 over in the dark
  4. And the most controversial squash ball thumping against them
they still would be gracious and accept defeat like the Gentleman they are. A good lesson to all the sports men and women in the world "Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat".

But let us look at the other side of the story. Let us leave out issues 1,2 and 3 and consider 4; the squash ball scandal. Let alone the players, I admire them keeping it tight lipped about the whole thing (since they are sportsman), but what the hell is Sri Lanka Cricket doing about it. Like the ICC executives, the SLC executives take home thumping salaries without doing anything. The boys break bones, tare ligaments, get baked in the sun to put luxurious cuisine on the tables of the SLC executives. Cricket fans around the world are shouting foul, but SLC seems to dumbstruck and sleeping. There was an article by an Indian (mind you and Indian whom SL evicted form the WC07) questioning, "Is it fair to use a foreign object not listed in Law 42?". He further suggests that "If Gilchrist was allowed a squash ball, fielders should be allowed buckets to catch the ball". He uses the bucket example not as a stupid suggestion or a joke, but to show the scale of the impact it had on the game - take away 53 runs off Gilli's score and Sri Lanka would have lifted the cup. If non Sri Lankans are so concerned about this issue of cheating, should not SLC be standing up for our players, who were wrongly done in the WC final?

I was somewhat glad to see an article today, where Kangadaran Mathivanan the SLC secretary was commenting that "SLC has to decide whether they will take up the matter at the next ICC meeting". But then I ask "what the hell is there to decide?", you damn well should take it up at the next ICC meeting. If the Sri Lankan cricketers were cheated, does SLC expect the England Cricket Board to bring up the issue. And if world cricket was cheated by any individual, team or country, they should take the matter up at the ICC. I say, they don't have to ask the Aussys to give up the cup, the Aussys can keep the cup for all I care, it doesn't matter since the whole world, except the arrogant Aussys (I think even they know it deep inside, but don't like to admit it) know that Sri Lanka is the best team on and off the field. The Sri Lankans follow the rule "Win or loose it's how you play the game". Not so with the Aussys who follow the rule "Win! Hook or by crook". Sri Lankan players uphold the game of cricket and don't bring disrepute to it like the Aussys do by bending rules, sledging, brawling in bars and of course last but not least cheating.

But mind you if SLC brings this matter up, they will have to fight a lot of opposition. I was reading an answer session by Steven Lynch (No I don't know who the hell he is or where he came form - probably some couch potato who thinks he knows cricket) says that, and I quote " My feeling was that it was legal, as I didn't think you could distinguish between a squash ball - which Gilchrist admitted he used to improve his grip during his amazing innings in the World Cup final - and the inner gloves many batsmen wear". Doesn't this pundit know that a squash ball has a diameter of 4.3 cm. Can anybody imagine an inner glove with 4.3 cm of padding, probably will be bigger than a baseball glove. Just imagine if we had people amending laws according to their feelings, and people using what ever equipment they felt like. Probably payers could bring a stun gun and shock the fielder who is going to take their catch, since it is no where mentioned that you can't use a stun gun (close you eyes an imagine, a player going to take a catch and grrr.. he's stunned! Isn't it hilarious?).

Any way getting serious now I come to the our beloved Tony Greg's show. I am not going to insult him, since he is very, I mean very knowledgeable about the game of cricket. But suddenly he too seems to think that "It is is OK, since he can't see how it made a difference". He just has to open his eyes and ears. Tony should take a moment to look at the Aussy score card and listen to the brags of Gilli. All other Aussy batsman were struggling to keep pace. The WC07's worshiped Matt Hayden managed a strike rate of 69%. But Gilli managed a strike rate of 143%. What more Gilli kept on bragging about his squash ball. If the thief confesses, does a judge need anything more for a conviction? (unless the confession was tortured out of him). Tony further goes on to say that "when it happens for the first time it does not draw much attention". He also goes on to say that "It will be an issue when a lot more players start using squash balls". Well when it happens in the most important game in four years, is it not an issue? May be Tony could answer this in his next "Tony Greg Show".

It seems that there is a big effort in all corners to sweep this under the carpet. Probably everybody likes to be in the "good-books" of the ICC, just like Tony himself admits in the same Tony Greg show. May be the ICC has got enough crap this world cup, they don't want anymore. Most likely that many pundits might be scared that getting in the "bad-books" of ICC might not be too good for their pay cheque. The ICC is a mafia who hunts down it's critiques (Tony says so - not me)

Tony Greg Show (Listen)

I see a lot of posts on forums and comment pages, some for, team Sri Lanka (mind you not only by Sri Lankans) and other accusing Sri Lanka as shouting "sour grapes" (most probably arrogant Aussys). Well there is no sour grapes here, but there is an issue of Cheated or Not. ICC WC07 can be kept by the Aussys since all who love the game of cricket know that Sri Lanka is the best team around right now! And any way the ICC has lost all credibility, so what respect does the ICC World Cup have? It is just a metal ball on three stilts plated in gold. Finally I hope that the Sri Lankan Cricket Executives and the World's cricket pundits take some action against such cheaters, so that cricket can be enjoyed and celebrated once again.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Should not they be "Threatened" & even MORE?

Just an example of the responsibility, professionalism and quality of Sri Lankan journalist and media. I refer to a Sunday news paper article with headline "President seeks India’s support".

The article starts off by stating that Lalith Weerathungs has made a trip to India to meet the Indian Prime minister. Reasonable, and it goes on to explain when, why and for what.

Then with no relevance to the title a paragraph appears out of the blues, and I quote "The last guerrilla air raid on Sunday led to panic with several members of the public being injured. This is particularly from firing by Security Forces and the Police. In fire, directed at suspected guerrilla aircraft from the Air Force base at Ratmalana, homes in Nugegoda, Nawinna and Maharagama were damaged. At least one resident in Nugegoda is now under Intensive Care whilst another member of the same household regained consciousness in hospital after an hour.".

This reminds me of the famous Sinhala saying "Kohida Yanne? Malle Pol" ("Where are you going?" and the reply "I have coconuts in my bag"). Probably any blooming idiot (except the writer and the editor) can understand that this paragraph should be in another article with a heading like "Air raids cause panic among security forces..." or what ever. It is most likely that this so called journalist who wrote this, though of cramming all what he had in his pea-sized brain into the article, or likely that the so called editor does not know how to edit, or was half a sleep, drunk or had a brawl with his wife last night.

Question! "Are these media men/women toying with the moral of the armed forces and Sri Lankan people?". I agree that all citizens have a right to know. But at what cost should they know? If it depletes the moral of the armed forces and the citizens and boosts-up moral of the terrorist, is that a price we the Sri Lankan public are willing to pay, just to "know"?

Should not these so called media men/women be kicked out. Don't they deserve being threatened, assaulted and harassed for being irresponsible and unprofessional. They hide behind a curtain called "media" and they consider themselves above the law, above righteous and above all. They look for a story just to get a rating, or just to fill up their pages. They stir-up a honest nest so they can write about each innocent sting victim for weeks and weeks. They don't write about news, but they create news and then write about it. They are scum on earth who thrive on the suffering of others.

I say they deserve what they get, and the so called terrorist supporting free media movement and all those media NGOs should be banished form this world.

We can only hope that someday form somewhere a media culture of professionalism, responsibility and nationalism will emerge to make our Sri Lanka a better place, where you can read a paper, listen to the radio and watch TV without cursing their dead parents.