Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Ugly Australians & The infamous Underarm

Corrected post: (Thanks for the anonymous comment pointing out my mistake)

Can we expect anything more ... from the "1973-74 Ugly Australians" captained by non other than Ian Chappell, who ironically called for an ICC inquiry into corruption and bringing the game to disrepute by Sri Lanka for resting key bowlers for the "dead rubber" semifinal against the Aussys.

Also watch the video of Greg Chappell another Australian, in an unsportsmanlike manner instructing his brother Trevor to controversially bowl underarm in a match against New Zealand.

With such a history, wonder who Ponting and the rest of the hooligan gang takes after. Is it now the "2006-07 Cheating Ugly Australians". Wonder if we can have a YouTube video. Yep we do ... the commentaries are very interesting.

Any way can you expect anything more form the offspring of convict, murderers, rapist, outlaws, and anti-socio retards banished from Britain in the late 1780. May be it runs in their blood.

Wann read more, Thank god for Wiki

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